Eucrona Solutions
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Projects 🏢

Elevating Allcon Contracting's IT Infrastructure

November 16, 2023
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Welcome back to the Eucrona Solutions blog. Today, we’re focusing on our work with Allcon Contracting. Well-known for their exceptional construction services across New York State, Allcon Contracting needed an IT overhaul. That's where we came in.

The Initial State

Allcon excels in construction but found their IT infrastructure lacking. They were running on an outdated system that couldn't keep up with their growth, and they were constantly dealing with tech issues that slowed down their operation. They needed more than a patchwork of solutions—they needed a comprehensive upgrade.

What We Did

We began with a complete IT audit, identifying gaps and areas for improvement. We categorized these into immediate needs and long-term strategies. From there, we implemented:

  • IT Solutions: Designed a resilient and scalable network architecture, setting the groundwork for future tech initiatives.
  • Cybersecurity: Deployed multi-layered security protocols, including endpoint security, and firewalls.
  • Cloud Services: Migrated essential business data to a hybrid cloud environment, balancing cost-effectiveness and performance.
  • Website Development: Complete revamp and ongoing management of, featuring a CMS for easier content updates and analytics integration for performance monitoring.

The Impact

The changes we implemented have not just brought Allcon up to current industry standards, but have set them on a trajectory for future growth. Operational efficiency has increased, and security breaches have dropped to nearly zero. Allcon’s executive team and staff now have a more streamlined and secure workspace, allowing them to focus on delivering exceptional construction services.

Future Plans

We're not stopping here. As part of our ongoing MSP relationship, we continue to manage and upgrade Allcon's IT infrastructure. We have quarterly reviews planned to reassess needs and make agile adjustments.

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